Breeding Info

The G.R.A.S.S. selection index was re-designed in 2018 by the board of directors to put more emphasis on the traits that increase profitability in their own commercial flocks as well as animal welfare issues.

All sale rams are graded and ranked according to this index after a rigorous selection regime for the following measured and visual traits:

Measured Characteristics:

  • clean fleece weight
  • yearling body weight
  • micron
  • EMD and fat
  • ability to rear a lamb
  • testicle size
  • yield
  • length & strength
  • breech wrinkle

Visual Characteristics:

  • physical soundness
  • brightness of wool
  • soft handle of wool
  • style and character of wool
  • no face cover
  • low wrinkle
  • dust penetration
  • feet
  • resistance to fleece rot

GRASS index graph


G.R.A.S.S. rams are genetically moving ahead at 1.5% per year. G.R.A.S.S. rams are tested in CTSE (Central Test Sire Evaluations) See Merino Superior Sires for results.

G.R.A.S.S. Merinos Rams Meat the Market!

All rams are sold by prior order, or by appointment and inspection.

Elite Rams

Reserve Rams

Special Rams

Flock Rams

To order a G.R.A.S.S. Merino Ram online all you have to do is send us an email with the following information and we will send you an information pack with more details.

  • For 37 years, G.R.A.S.S. Merinos have been genetically modifying their Merino rams.
  • By measuring all the key profit making factors and then joining the best to the best, constant profit improvement is possible.
  • Profit per hectare is the only way to measure sheep performance… Like wheat growers!
  • Top performance flocks make profits 30% above average. This can be achieved merely by changing the variety of Merino Rams…. Like wheat growers!

GM = Genetically Modified


GM = GRASS Merinos

Selection Aim

"Our aim is to make genetic progress in factors of economic importance to Merino breeders"

For over 30 years, all ewes and rams in the G.R.A.S.S. system have been selected on performance plus visual classing. For the last 17 years, final selection has been made on an economically weighted selection index.

G.R.A.S.S. Merinos
Mixed aged sires at "Sunnyside"

Productivity Gains
Graphs of performance since 1980
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